Pertsuasioa, administrazioan euskararekiko jarrera eta erabilera hobetzeko tresna
Administrazioan egindako esku-hartze baten eraginkortasuna aztertzen da lan honetan. Esku-hartze horretan langileen euskararekiko jarrera, erabilera-intentzioa eta erabilera neurtu ziren. Esku-hartzea elaborazio altuko pertsuasioan edo prozesatze sistematikoan oinarritu zen, non bilatu zen pertsuasio-mezu baten aurrean hausnartzea eta ebaluazio kritikoa egitea. Datuak Jaurlaritzako bi departamentutan bildu ziren. Esku-hartzearen aurretik eta ostean neurtu zen langile horien euskararekiko jarrera, erabilera-intentzioa eta erabilera. Emaitzek erakusten dute esku-hartzeak hobetu zituela langileen euskararekiko jarrerak, erabileraintentzioa eta erabilera bera ere.
GAKO-HITZAK: Euskararen erabilera · Jarrera · Pertsuasioa.
Persuasion as a tool to enhance the use of Basque and the attitude towards the language among public administration staff
The present study analyses the effectiveness of an intervention targeted at administratives taff which aimed to improve their attitude towards the Basque language, their intention to use it and their real use of it. The intervention was based on persuasion under high elaboration conditions or systematic processing, where the aim was to promote reflection on and critical evaluation of persuasive messages. Data were collected from two Government departments. The three parameters (attitude towards the Basque language, intention to use the language, and real use of it) were measured before and after the intervention. The results show that the intervention improved the aforementioned three parameters.
KEY WORDS: Use of the Basque language · Attitudes · Persuasion.
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