Lehen Hezkuntzako curriculuma eta kultura-ondarea

Jakintza-arloak: Pedagogia
Orrialdeak: 45-67

Artikulu honen helburua zera da, aztertzea Lehen Hezkuntzako curriculumean (6-12 urte) Natura, Gizarte eta Kultura Ingurunearen Ezaguera jakintza-arloan kultura-ondareak duen curriculum-tratamendua, Eusko Jaurlaritzak 2007 eta 2010ean kaleratutako dekretuak aintzat hartuz. Curriculumaren iturri soziokulturaletatik abiatuta, eta jakintza-arloaren konpetentzia eta edukietara pasatuz, euskal curriculumean ondareak eta kulturak dituzten tratamendu-ikuspegiak identifikatzen dira. Ikuspuntu soziologikoago batetik, berriz, esandako curriculumetan kultura-ondareari ematen zaizkion espezifikotasunak alderatu nahi ditugu ondoren gela barruan euskal identitate kolektiboari eman nahi zaion tratamenduarekin.

GAKO-HITZAK: Kultura-ondarea · Lehen Hezkuntzako curriculuma · Identitate kolektiboa.

Primary Curriculum and Cultural heritage

This article aims to identify the ways that Cultural Heritage is dealt with within the Primary Curriculum (6-12 years) for Nature and Social Science, as specified by the 2007 and 2010 decrees from the Basque Government. Taking as a starting point the socio-cultural background to this stage of education, we go on to examine the competences and contents covered within it, thus identifying the key points relating both to culture and heritage to be found in the Basque Curriculum. Furthermore, from a more sociological perspective, the ways that cultural heritage is dealt with within the curriculum by the decrees are contrasted, to see how they may affect views of collective identity of the Basque People as approached in the classroom.

KEY WORDS: Cultural heritage · Nature and Social Science · Collective identity.

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