Genero-ikuspegia herritarren tokiko parte-hartzearen diseinuan Bilboko hirian
Artikulu honetan Bilboko partaidetza-instituzioen diseinuaren azterketa egin da eta udal horretan partaidetzarako dagoen aukera-egituraren osagarri batzuk identifikatu dira. Ikusi da identifikaturiko osagarri horiek indarrean dauden parte-hartzerako moldeak baldintzatzen dituztela genero-ikuspegitik eta, hartara, emakumeen bazterketa bultzatzen dutela herritarren partaidetza-praktiketan. Artikuluan jorratutako azterketaren arreta elkartea oinarritzat hartzen duten partaidetza-instituzioetan jarri da bereziki. Arretagune horrek agerian utzi du, konpromiso zabalak erabilita, tokiko gobernuek genero-ikuspegia integratu beharra dutela ez soilik udaleko partaidetza-instituzioetan, baita governance demokratikoan parte hartzen duten praktika eta aktore guztien baitan ere, gizarte zibileko elkarteak eta mugimenduak barne.
GAKO-HITZAK: Genero-ikuspegia · Tokiko parte-hartzea · Herritarren parte-hartzea · Governance demokratikoa · Bilboko hiria
Study of the participatory institutional design of the municipality of Bilbao has made it possible to identify some components of the participatory opportunity structure that condition the forms of participation currently in force, and that lead to certain processes of exclusion in women’s access to participatory citizen practices. Attention is focused on the analysis of participatory mechanisms that have an associational basis. This has made it possible to reveal the need for local governments, through broad agreements, to integrate the gender focus in an inter-sectorial way, not only in the participatory municipal institutions themselves, but also in all the practices and actors that, on the administration’s invitation, take part in democratic governance, including the actors of civil society that make up the civic infrastructure of the community.
GAKO-HITZAK: Genero-ikuspegia · Tokiko parte-hartzea · Herritarren parte-hartzea · Governance demokratikoa · Bilboko hiria
The gender focus in the citizen-participatory design of the municipality of Bilbao
Study of the participatory institutional design of the municipality of Bilbao has made it possible to identify some components of the participatory opportunity structure that condition the forms of participation currently in force, and that lead to certain processes of exclusion in women’s access to participatory citizen practices. Attention is focused on the analysis of participatory mechanisms that have an associational basis. This has made it possible to reveal the need for local governments, through broad agreements, to integrate the gender focus in an inter-sectorial way, not only in the participatory municipal institutions themselves, but also in all the practices and actors that, on the administration’s invitation, take part in democratic governance, including the actors of civil society that make up the civic infrastructure of the community.
KEY WORDS: Gender focus · Local participation · Citizen participation · Democra-tic governance · City of Bilbao.
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