Ikuspuntu berriak umeen zenbatze-ekintzari buruz: Piaget-engandik harago
Autorea(k): José Domingo Villarroel Villamor, Teresa Nuño Angós
Jakintza-arloak: Psikologia
Orrialdeak: 55-71
Umeei dagozkien aktibitateen artean, zenbatzea da, apika, berezko izaera matematikoa duen lehenengo ekintza. Eguneroko bizimoduan, guraso eta zaintzaileek haurtxoei hornitzen dizkiete zenbakiak eta zenbakiak erabiltzen ikasteko aukera anitz. Matematikako zeregin goiztiar horiek, ordea, galdera interesgarri bat iradokitzen dute: umetxoek ulertuko ote dute zer egiten duten zenbatu bitartean? Artikulu honetan, galdera horri erantzuteko egin diren saiakeren errepasoa eskaintzen da. Hasteko, Jean Piaget-en ikusmoldearen arabera, umeen aritmetika-abilezien ezaugarriak azaltzen dira. Jarraian, autore horren teorian aintzat hartzen ez diren sei urtetik beherako haurren zenbatze-ekintzaren gaineko datuak azalduko dira. Amaitzeko, azken urteotan estimuluen ezaugarri kuantitatiboei erreparatzeko bi urtetik beherako umeek adierazten dituzten ahalmenen inguruko ikerkuntzaren berrikuspena agertuko da.
   Counting is, perhaps, one of the first mathematical activities that children use to do. Parents and caretakers offer to children multitude of situations in which they can learn the numbers and their use. These early activities leave an interesting question: Do children understand what they do while they are counting? This article reviews the attempts to answer to this question. At the beginning the piagetian perspective related to arithmetical abilities of children will be explained and, next, data about the understanding of numbers of children younger than 6 years will appear on. The article will finish reviewing the research done about the abilities of children younger than 2 years old to notice quantitative characteristics of the stimulus.
   Counting is, perhaps, one of the first mathematical activities that children use to do. Parents and caretakers offer to children multitude of situations in which they can learn the numbers and their use. These early activities leave an interesting question: Do children understand what they do while they are counting? This article reviews the attempts to answer to this question. At the beginning the piagetian perspective related to arithmetical abilities of children will be explained and, next, data about the understanding of numbers of children younger than 6 years will appear on. The article will finish reviewing the research done about the abilities of children younger than 2 years old to notice quantitative characteristics of the stimulus.
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