Eskolaren zentzua, ijitoen ikuspegitik

Autorea(k): Anne Marie Mamontoff
Jakintza-arloak: Soziologia
Orrialdeak: 75-91
  Frantzian 16 urte arte haurrak eskolatzea legez behartzen denean, zer arrazoi motak bultzatzen ditu ijitoen gurasoak euren haurrak eskolatzera? Kultura antagonikoen topaketa-markoan, termino hori adiera ideologiko eta praktikoetan ulertuz, noski, ingurunetik inposatzen zaigun usadiozkoaren gainetik  kultur esanguraz beteak  diren errepresentazio batzuk daudela erreparatzera garamatza ikerlan honek. Izan ere, ijitoen hezkuntzak nasaiki garatzen duena balio komunitarioak eta identitate soziala baitira. Banako kriterioak garraiatzen dituen Hezkuntza Erakundearekiko arras arrotz sentituz talkan sartzen dira berarekin. Horrela, bada, gure gizartean balio-estatusa daukan objektu sozialaren gaineko errepresentazio-egitura, ijito-gizartean identitatearen desegituratzailea den objektutzat hautemanik zalantzan jartzen da. Aldi berean, errepresentazio horren dinamikaz itauntzen da, jakinik eskola-praktikak ez dituztela gurasoek sostengatzen ezta sustatzen ere. 2004 eta 2010ean burututako bi ikerketaren emaitzek garbi erakusten digute eskola objektu sozial bezala ez dela barneratua haien gogozko unibertsoan.
    GAKO-HITZAK: Ijitoak · Errepresentazio sozialak · Eskola · Kultura.

School from the point of view of the Gypsies

    In France education is compulsory for children under 16. What pushes Gypsy parents to send their children to school? In this point of contact of antagonistic cultures, understanding this term with an ideological and practical meaning, beyond the usage imposed on us by the environment, the present study aims to help us see that there are representations that are full of cultural meaning. In fact, the value of community and social identity are generously developed in the traditional education provided by Gypsy culture. The Gypsy community clashes with institutional education because of a lack of identification with the different criteria that the latter implies. Understood from this perspective, the structure of the social institution that has value and status in our society is seen as the force that breaks down the identity established by the Gypsy community and is viewed with suspicion. At the same time, taking into account that education is neither supported nor encouraged by the parents, the very organization of the education system is questioned.  The results of two studies carried out in 2004 and 2010 clearly show that school as a social object is not part of their world view.

    KEY WORDS: Gypsies · Social representation · School · Culture.

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