Zapatismoaren ekarpen ideologikoa
Azken bolada honetan eta zenbait gertakariren ondorioz, mugimendu zapatistak izan du oihartzunik gure artean. Bereizgarri asko dituen aktibismoa dugu zapatismoa eta ekarpen asko egin dizkie beste mugimenduei, indigenenei zein mundu mailakoei. Horrela, bada, eurek argi uzten duten arren zapatismoa ezin dela definitu, etiketatu, besteak beste momentuan momentuko erabakiek eta, beraz, esperientziak egiten duelako, hurrengo lerroetan mugimendu horren nondik norakoak eta ulermenerako gakoak azalduko dira. |
Recently, and due to various altercations, the Zapatista movement has had many repercussions amongst us. Zapatism is a very unique form of activism in lots of senses and it has contributed greatly to other movements, both indigenous and those coming from the rest of the world. Likewise, although they make it very clear that Zapatism cannot be defined, nor categorised...precisely for being a movement in which the decisions made at each moment are the important ones and therefore experience is the key, through this work the coordinates and the pillars of this movement will be explained for a better understanding. |
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