Globalizazioaren inguruko zenbait gogoeta
Azken urteetako ekonomiaren joeren eta zenbait gertakari historikoren ildotik, gizarte zientzien alorreko ikertzaile eta aditu askoren hiztegian globalizazio hitza agertu da. Jarraian datozen hausnarketek kontzeptu horren esanahian eta bere erabilpenaren egokitasunean sakondu nahi dute, termino honen atzean dagoen errealitatearen konplexutasuna eta fenomeno honek gizarte mailan eragiten dituen ondorioak agertaraziz.
Following the economics trends and some of the newest historical events during the last few years, we have known a growing use of the term globalization as part of the dictionnary of several researchers and experts in the field of social sciences. The following article wants to make an exam of that concept as well as of the proper way of its use, trying to show the complex reality behind it and the social consequences of it.
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