Alkoholaren kontrako kanpainak: edan-neurriaren bila marketingaren bidez

Autorea(k): Marisa Expósito Renedo
Jakintza-arloak: Komunikazio-zientziak
Orrialdeak: 79-97

Laurogeiko hamarkadatik aurrera herrialde garatu gehienetan teknika erakarkorrak erabili izan dira hiritarren portaera zehatz batzuk aldatzeko asmotan.

Gobernuak giza-marketing kanpainetan diru asko gastatzen du. Drogari buruzko kanpainei dagokienez horrelako inbertsioak justifikatuak dirudite drogomenpekotasunak gizartean eta ekonomian ondorio larriak ekarri baititu. Baina, zein da kanpaina hauen eraginkortasuna? Galdera honi erantzuten saiatuko gara alkoholaren kanpaina batzuen ikerketaren bidez. Zer egin den ezagutzeak, zerk funtzionatu duen eta zerk ez, horrek guztiak etorkizuneko kanpainekin aurrera egiten lagun gaitzake.


From the decade of the eighties to present times most developed countries have been using persuasive techniques in order to change some customs of their inhabitants.

The Government invests large sums of money on its public communication policy\'s campaigns or on social marketing campaigns. In relation to antidrug campaigns such an investment seems justified if we take into account the high social and economical costs of the use/abuse of drugs; however, we could ask: are these campaigns effective? We will try to answer this question by going through a number of government campaigns on alcohol to find out what has worked and what can make us progress, with a view to future communications.

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